Pixelmatic Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary

Happy Birthday to us! Today Pixelmatic turns 10 - that’s one decade of game development and operations with our incredible team.
In 2011, our CEO Samson Mow founded Pixelmatic with a small team and a grand vision: to create socially immersive games that were not only a whole lot of fun to play, but that reinvented how we experienced gaming.
We’re proud to look back at ten years of successful game operations and development as well as cutting-edge projects that broke new ground: from the operation of titles like Vainglory, to the full production of the first full-VR Bitcoin conference with over 1,000 participants, we’ve gained so many invaluable experiences in the last decade.
For the last couple of years, we’ve been 100% focused on the development of Infinite Fleet, a revolutionary sci-fi strategy title that brings fresh wind into the MMO space. This year alone, we’ve ticked off several major milestones: the Infinite Fleet security token offering (STO) launched on STOKR, the Infinite Fleet Alpha went live, and we released the epic Counterattack trailer that revealed the ships’ transformation engines.
All our accomplishments have been made possible by the all-star team put together by Samson, which is comprised of AAA game designers and developers and some of the smartest minds in the industry. But it’s also thanks to the support from you — so thank you!
And in case you haven’t seen it yet: Infinite Fleet is hosting a special screenshot contest to celebrate. The best submission wins a full fleet worth $140.
We can’t wait to see where the coming decade takes us. Who knows, maybe we’ll broadcast our 20-year anniversary party to you from Mars.